Don’t Read This Post!

Seriously, don’t read this post.  In fact, turn it off.  Turn off whatever you’re reading this on: tablet, laptop, phone.  Put it down and walk away.

“But, why?” you might ask.  “You wrote this blog and I’m reading it. Isn’t that the point.”  Yes, and thank you for reading it.  Now I want to do something for you.  I want to give you the gift of time.

“There’s not enough hours in the day.”  “I need an extra day.”  “Where did the time go?”  Everyday, I either say something like this, or hear someone else say it.  There’s just not enough time, and yet, there is.  There’s time to check Facebook and scroll through the newsfeed to see pictures of what people are eating, watch videos of cats chasing dogs, or read the angry comments of a person who took an Onion article seriously.  There’s time to play Candy Crush.  There’s time to take another Buzzfeed quiz to find out what fictional character you REALLY are.  There’s time to read this post and countless others that have said the same thing.  All those status updates, videos, quizzes, and games steal precious seconds.  Those seconds become minutes, those minutes become hours, and time simply disappears.

So, unplug.  I heard you laugh, but trust me.  You don’t even have to go cold turkey.  Just pick one thing that you give up for one day, and trade it for something you’ve been saying you don’t have the time to do.  Make one of the thousand recipes you’ve pinned. Go for a run.  Pick up that guitar that’s been collecting dust in the corner and plunk out a few songs.  Read a book.  Get out the glue gun and glitter and turn something old into something fabulous!   Take your time back.  Try something old, try something new.  Get your hands dirty.  Sweat, sing, paint, nap, create!

Living the creative life can happen even when it seems there’s no time.  Find your moments and possibly find your bliss.

Comment below and let me know what you did with your time.

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